Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year, New Beginnings

Happy New Year! May 2012 bring much happiness, adventure, and prosperity to you all!

As part of my New Years resolution, I wanted to work on my communication with friends, family and significant other. Also, since my mind seems to work in mysterious ways that no one else can follow, I thought that maybe friends and family can get a glimpse into my life, thoughts and perceptions of the world.

I have been incredibly fortunate growing up and living in California from the time I was 5. Spoiled with good weather, great beaches, and awesome ski resorts, why any sane person would want to leave this paradise for 4-8 years is beyond me. But alas, I have recently started to learn that I am not sane.

Ever since the third grade, I loved learning and I loved school, especially the sciences. Going into high school, I loved the human body and I loved learning how a bunch of molecules could form such an amazing machine that is the human body. At doctor's appointments, I would always ask the nurse what she looked for as she took my blood pressure with the sphygmomanometer (try spelling that backwards playing cranium!) and then asked if I could practice on her. But I digress.

Applying to medical school this year has been both rewarding and exhausting (and expensive!). It is a humbling experience, filled with disappointment. Yet the disappointment is trivial compared to the relief of knowing that the past "x" years of my life have paid off as I achieve my dream of becoming a doctor. I still get goosebumps knowing that no matter what, I will become a doctor. I feel fortunate having options of where I choose to attend medical school, and know very well that it could have gone the other way. Between four schools that I have been accepted to, I have narrowed it down to two (also keep in mind I'm waiting to hear back from a couple schools)

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine: I know you're thinking...?? I have never heard of this school...hold on lemme wiki it. Yup...it's in CLEVELAND...(that's in Ohio, btw...the land of the COLD) the city LeBron took his talents away from. It would be a 4 year (top 20) program, and I would be practicing medicine at THE Cleveland Clinic, which during the tour, they just HAD to mention how they were the #4 hospital in the nation using rows and rows of 50 inch televisions hanging every 5 feet (you would think the #4 hospital in the nation would better allocate money and resources). In all honesty, besides it being in Cleveland, I really enjoyed the school, the program, and the Case Western Community from the admissions staff and faculty, to the students and residents. But because it's in Cleveland, I understand why LeBron decided to take his talents from there. Honestly, other than Case and the Cleveland Clinic, there isn't much going on there, besides a great deal of foreclosures.

University of Pittsburgh/Carnegie Mellon MSTP program: This is a 7-8 year combined MD/PhD program. Yes 7-8 years, which I realize is a significant portion of my life. Yes, I also realize that by the time I receive my medical degree, I will be thirty-something. But, for someone who LOVES school and doesn't mind memorization and pipetting, it seems like a pretty sweet deal, especially in this economy. PittMed is also a great program (top 15) and especially for MD/PhD applicants, I would have an easier time getting into residency programs in California. Also...they PAY you to go to school...Whereas most medical students have an average debt of $100,000 (public) and $200,000 (private)...if I decide to go to Pittsburgh, I will not be in any medical school debt...which is a very comforting thought. Also Pittsburgh is a MUCH better city than Cleveland...even Wiz Khalifa thinks so...(This may sound weird, but before my interviews, I would get pumped by listening to "Black and Yellow" on repeat during the plane ride...there's something about that song that's just so catchy and makes me excited about Pittsburgh!)

At this point, I'm leaning towards Pittsburgh, but you never know what hail mary can come along and offer me money and an acceptance. But I think it's safe to say that I will not be enjoying 80 degree weather in January for the next few years.

And on this note, I'll leave with Hard to Say Goodbye - Boyz II Men

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