Wednesday, February 22, 2012

In Limbo

No, I am not in the Inception "limbo" (although I still don't think I fully understand the movie), but I am still deciding between schools. But to procrastinate for a moment (because that's what I'll probably be doing in medical school, too), I've been thoroughly entertained by the social media in the last few weeks. (I will save all the Linsanity and all the ways I can use the word Lin in various words, most of which wont make sense, in another post)

With all of these "stuff ______ says," I decided to search for "stuff medical students say" I couldn't help but think this would be me in a few years: Sh*t med students say . I could totally see myself saying "I think I have [enter disease here]!" or "Would you like a bite of my atherosclerosis burger?" I have a feeling that at every second look, each school might have their own version of Stuff PittMed/CaseMed students say. It also makes me think of stuff my friends and I say...and I can't help but laugh. I guess I say "dang, dude" a lot to have someone notice it and place bets on an over-under. "Now that's some [enter long enunciated swear word here]!"

Now that interviews are (almost) done, I can't wait for the second look/revisit weekends. Instead of trying to impress schools, schools are recruiting you to come to their school. They plan an entire weekend for events, opportunities to meet staff, classmates, and current students. Best of all, (some) schools fly you out,  pay for lodging and wine & dine you...this is a girl's dream! And if I remember correctly, I thought that Pittsburgh and Case had the best meals/food out of all the interviews I went on. All that aside, this is the time for me to seriously consider which school to attend. How do I see myself at Pittsburgh/Cleveland? Where would I live? Would I have to live with roommates? Will I resort to my old ways of eating cereal for dinner (in my defense, Special K with Red Berries, Honey Nut Cheerios, Honey Bunches of Oats and Raisin Bran Crunch is DELICIOUS!) Is there a Costco out there? Aside from studying, what else will I be doing in this city? What about opportunities for a computer science engineer?

I know this post is relatively short, but there's not much to tell until my upcoming revisit weekend at the MSTP program in Pittsburgh March 1-4. I think the city is beautiful and promising. Unfortunately, Wiz Khalifa, I do not know "what it is" but I am excited to find out!

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